Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
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Brazilian Portuguese version of the Patient Competency Rating Scale (PCRS-R-BR): semantic adaptation and validity

Versão em português brasileiro da Patient Competency Rating Scale (PCRS-R-BR): adaptação semântica e validade

Nicolle Zimmermann; Ana Paula Almeida de Pereira; Rochele Paz Fonseca

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This study describes the adaptation of a revised Brazilian version of the Patient Competency Rating Scale (PCRS-R-BR), which focuses on executive, mnemonic, and attention functions. Evidence of content-based and external validity is also reported. The cross-cultural adaptation was conducted in five phases: 1) translations and back translations; 2) item analysis by authors; 3) classification by experts; 4) revisions and reformulations by authors; 5) pilot study with a sample of patients with mild and moderate/severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Data were analyzed descriptively, and the PCRS-R-BR scores of groups with mild vs. moderate/severe TBI were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. Patients and their relatives were divided into groups and compared using repeated-measures analysis. The results of the PCRS-R-BR questionnaire for relatives and discrepancy scores of patients with moderate/severe TBI revealed significantly more impairment than that found in the group of patients with mild TBI. There were significant differences between item and total scores of both groups of patients and relatives. Results indicated a high level of item content agreement between experts. This study found initial evidence of PCRS-R-BR content-based and external validity when the questionnaire was applied to patients with mild and moderate/severe TBI and their relatives.


Patient Competency Rating Scale, scales, validation studies, brain injuries


O presente artigo teve como objetivo apresentar a adaptação transcultural e evidências de validade externa e de conteúdo da versão brasileira revisada da Patient Competency Rating Scale (PCRS-R-BR), com foco nas funções executivas, mnemônicas e atencionais. A adaptação transcultural incluiu cinco fases: 1) tradução e retrotradução; 2) análise de itens por autores; 3) análise de especialistas; 4) revisões e reformulações dos autores; 5) estudo piloto em pacientes com traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) leve e moderado/grave. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente e os pacientes com TCE leve e moderado/grave foram comparados nos escores da PCRS-R-BR pelo teste Mann-Whitney. Os pacientes e familiares foram comparados por grupo através da análise de medidas repetidas. Os pacientes com TCE moderado/grave tiveram maior prejuízo que os pacientes com TCE leve no formulário da PCRS-R-BR dos familiares e no escore de discrepância entre pacientes e familiares. Os resultados indicam bons e altos níveis de concordância entre especialistas frente aos componentes avaliados pelos itens. Esse estudo apresentou evidências iniciais de validade de conteúdo da PCRS-R-BR para pacientes com TCE leve e moderado/severo e seus familiares.


Patient Competency Rating Scale, escalas, estudos de validade, lesões cerebrais


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