Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Original Article

A dimensional measure of schizotypy: cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences short version for Brazilian Portuguese (O-LIFE-S)

Alminhana, Letícia Oliveira; Sanseverino, Marcela Alves; Farias, Miguel; dos Santos, Otávio Vendramin; Machado, Wagner De Lara; Claridge, Gordon

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Introduction: The Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (O-LIFE) is a widely-used scale, and the first to include a dimensional approach to understanding schizotypy. Objective: To adapt the short version of the O-LIFE (O-LIFE-S) into Brazilian Portuguese. Method: a) Two independent bilingual professionals translated the original instrument into Brazilian Portuguese; b) a third bilingual professional summarized the two translations; c) a fourth bilingual expert translated the Portuguese version back into English; d) this back-translation was adjusted by a committee of psychology experts; e) a pilot study was conducted with 10 participants from the general population. Results: O-LIFE-S was considered ready to be used in a formal validation study in Brazil. Conclusion: The scale appears to cover the dimensional approach to schizotypy. However, a future validation study needs to be conducted to determine the internal consistency and reliability of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the O-LIFE-S .


Schizotypy, adaptation, O-LIFE.
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