Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
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Video-based cognitive-behavioral intervention for COVID-19 anxiety: a randomized controlled trial

Reza Shabahang, Mara S. Aruguete, Lynn McCutcheon

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Objective: Cognitive-behavioral interventions can be effective for relieving anxiety associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19), but complications such as social distancing, quarantine, a shortage of experts, and delayed care provisions have made it difficult to access face-to-face therapeutic interventions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a video-based cognitivebehavioral intervention for reducing COVID‑19 anxiety. Method: In the present randomized controlled trial, 150 college students with severe COVID‑19 anxiety were randomly assigned to either an intervention (n = 75) or a waiting list control (n = 75) group. The intervention group participated in a video-based cognitive-behavioral program consisting of nine 15- 20-minute sessions (three days a week for three weeks). Dependent measures included the COVID‑19 Anxiety Questionnaire, Short Health Anxiety Inventory, Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, Somatosensory Amplification Scale, Experience of Parasocial Interaction Scale, and Source Credibility Scale. Results: Participants who were randomly assigned to the cognitive-behavioral program reported high parasocial interaction, source credibility, and satisfaction with the intervention. Eighty percent reported that the video-based intervention was a beneficial alternative to traditional face-to-face therapeutic intervention. At post-treatment evaluation, the video-based cognitive-behavioral intervention group showed a significant reduction in COVID‑19 anxiety, health anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, and somatosensory amplification when compared to the wait-listed control group. Conclusions: This study suggests that video-based cognitive-behavioral interventions can be an affordable, feasible, and effective method to reduce anxiety during a large-scale pandemic.


COVID‑19, video-based psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, anxiety


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