Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Original Article

Validation of an original Behavioral Changes Scale on the Use of Digital Technologies During Social Distancing

Mariana King Pádua, Anna Lucia Spear King, Lucio Lage Gonçalves, Hugo Kegler Santos, Douglas Rodrigues, Antônio Egidio Nardi

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The social distancing (SD) adopted during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has transformed the internet from a convenience into a necessity. The behavioral changes caused by isolation range from adaptation of consumption, work, and teaching routines to altered leisure options to occupy idle time at home. Such transformations can be positive, expanding use of digital technologies (DT), but they can also have serious future physical and emotional consequences if there conscious use of technological devices is lacking.

The study aimed to validate the Behavioral Changes Scale on the Use of Digital Technologies During Social Distancing (BCSDTSD), an instrument for assessing behavioral changes related to use of DT during SD.

Validation of the BCSDTSD in five phases: 1. construction of an initial scale with 10 questions; 2. evaluation of the questions by a panel of experts; 3. application to 1,012 volunteers via the internet; 4. statistical analysis of the results; and 5. preparation of the validated final version of the BCSDTSD. Data were analyzed using the dplyr, psy , and paran packages and the REdaS statistical program. Three statistical criteria were used in the factor analysis (FA).

FA confirmed that all 10 questions in the questionnaire should be maintained, confirming its robust construction, and Cronbach’s alpha demonstrated its internal consistency with a value of 0.725, which is satisfactory for first-application questionnaires.

The BCSDTSD instrument was validated for assessment of behavioral changes related to the use of DT during SD.


Digital technologies, social distancing, human behavior, internet, COVID-19

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