Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
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Depression and suicide risk during the Covid-19 pandemic at a Brazilian public health psychosocial addiction care center: a preliminary report

Patricia Tejera de Moura, Camila Auth Rockenbach, Caroline da Rosa Mendes, Giovani Unterberger Mendes, Letícia Abruzzi Ghiggi, Marciane Diel, Patrícia Martini, Plauto Camozzato Filho, Raquel Scafuto Barbosa de Castro, Rita Mello de Mello, Rossana Kovalski, Vauto Alves Mendes Filho, Bruno Paz Mosqueiro

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To evaluate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on depressive symptoms and suicide risk among patients receiving treatment at a Public Health Psychosocial Addiction Care Center (CAPS AD III) in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Questions from the Coronavirus Health Impact Survey (CRISIS) translated into Brazilian Portuguese were used to evaluate 70 patients’ perceptions of and behaviors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Validated Brazilian versions of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) were used to evaluate the severity of depressive symptoms, suicide risk, and anxiety symptoms. A multiple logistic regression model was used to evaluate predictors of suicide risk in the sample.

Around 70% of patients reported moderate depressive symptoms and 30% reported severe depressive symptoms, 17% of patients reported having thoughts of suicide or death on more than half of days and 10% reported having them daily. The logistic regression model identified history of alcohol use as the main predictor of suicide risk in (OR 13.0, p = 0.03).

Individuals with a history of alcohol consumption had significantly higher suicide risk scores at a psychosocial public health care center in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic. This result may be important for devising better strategies and interventions to support this specific population profile.


Covid-19, depression, suicide, public health, alcohol; drugs

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