Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Review Article

The impact of mindfulness on suicidal behavior: a systematic review

Kyara Rodrigues de Aguiar, Júlia Bierhals Bilhalva, Mariana Dias Cabelleira, Giovanna Oliveira Guimarães, Thiago Madureira, Arela Agako, Marília Silva de Souza, Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza

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Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) have been growing progressively as treatment options in the field of mental health. Aim: To assess the impact of mindfulness-based interventions for reducing suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

A systematic review was performed in December 2020 using PubMed, PsycINFO, EMBASE, SciELO, Pepsic, and LILACS databases with no year restrictions. The search strategy included the terms (‘mindfulness’ OR ‘mindfulness-based’) AND (‘suicide’ OR ‘suicidal’ OR ‘suicide risk’ OR ‘suicide attempt’ OR ‘suicide ideation’ OR ‘suicide behavior’). The protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), CRD42020219514.

A total of 14 studies met all inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Most of the studies presented Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy as the MBI assessed (n=10). An emerging and rapidly growing literature on MBI presents promising results in reduction of suicide risk, particularly in patients with MDD. Four studies assessing other MBI treatment protocols (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction; Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice; Mind Body Awareness and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy) all demonstrated that MBI reduces factors associated with suicide risk.

MBI might target specific processes and contribute to suicide risk reduction.


Suicide, suicide ideation, suicide behavior;,mindfulness, systematic review

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