Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Understanding and navigating the repercussions of the politically polarized climate in mental health

Elisa Brietzke

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The world is experiencing a moment of political polarization between liberal and conservative ideas, which has aggravated since the arrival of the Covid-19. Many countries (Brazil included) have been experiencing the generalized occurrence of people fighting over politics, in contexts including family, workplace, friendships, and romantic relationships. Over the past 2 years, it has been possible to observe an unexpected and overwhelming effect of the political climate on psychotherapy patients, some of whom have started to actively look for therapists who share their convictions. Brazil is experiencing a moment of severe sanitary, economic, social, and political crisis, which is directly affecting our patients. Nevertheless, the impact of the political climate on our population has not been systematically investigated. However, as the political environment is an inherent part of the social component of the psychosocial model, it is important that mental health professionals be prepared to have this conversation with their patients. This highlights the need to address these difficulties in supervision, rounds, and clinical discussions.


Psychotherapy; psychosocial model; psychiatric care

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