Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

On suicidal ideation: the need for inductive methodologies to advance the field

Lauro Estivalete Marchionatti, Pedro Vieira da Silva Magalhães

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Recent scholarly investigation of suicidal ideation has been largely based on identifying associated factors and using ideation-to-action theories to explain its occurrence. However, this approach may not be sufficient, as many aspects of suicidal ideation fall beyond the reach of such conceptualizations. The overemphasis on explaining rather than understanding this phenomenon is a significant factor in this insufficiency. As such, it is argued that qualitative methods that use data to derive theories could offer a more nuanced understanding of suicidal ideation. By adopting bottom-up approaches, researchers can explore how individuals experience and understand suicidal ideation and how it relates to their lives and experiences. Furthermore, use of qualitative research methods could aid in development of more accurate and inclusive definitions that are more firmly grounded in data.


Suicide, suicidal ideation, qualitative research

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