Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Original Article

PID-5-SRF online administration: psychometric indicators and measurement invariance between different formats of data collection

Ana Maria Barchi-Ferreira, Flavia Osório

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The PID-5 is a tool used to assess maladaptive personality traits according to the DSM-5 Alternative Model.

The objective is to seek evidence of the validity and reliability of the Personality Inventory for DMS-5 (PID-5-SRF) administered online and assess its measurement invariance com-pared to the paper-and-pencil administration.

A sample of 274 individu-als from the general population (73.4% of women; 34.76 years old ±11.6) com-pleted the instrument online after the study was disseminated on social media and among the authors’ contacts.

Internal consistency (facets α≥0.70; domains α≥0.89) and test-retest reliability (15 to 30 days: facets ICC≥0.63; do-mains ICC≥0.82) were satisfactory, but a floor effect was found in almost all the items. A large number of facets (N=9) showed better fit to a bifactorial structure, and the Exploratory Factor Analysis suggested that a six-factor model better fits the data. Measurement invariance between the online and paper-and-pencil ad-ministrations was not attested at a configural level.

The results revealed satisfactory psychometric indicators when the instrument was applied online, confirming its feasibility in collecting data. However, the instrument’s structure is not invariant, and caution must be adopted when comparing and in-terpreting data collected through different formats.


PID-5-SRF, online, administration, psychometric, indicators, measurements

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