Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Review Article

Blended Psychological Interventions for Emotional Disorders in Youth: Acceptability and Intention to Use in a Sample of Portuguese Psychologists

Bárbara Gomes-Pereira, Ana Góis, Ana Maria Pereira, Brígida Caiado, Helena Moreira, Ana Isabel Pereira

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The rise of mental health problems in youth highlights the need for accessible and cost-effective psychological interventions. Blended interventions, which combine face-to-face and online sessions, can be an adequate response to the increase in demands for youth mental health services. Although this can be a promising approach, effective dissemination depends on the professionals´ acceptance.

This study aimed to explore the acceptability of and intention to use blended interventions by psychologists working with children with emotional disorders and to examine their predictors, including previous knowledge, expectancies (i.e., performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions), and attitudes toward evidence-based practices.

The sample consisted of 76 Portuguese psychologists (Mage = 37.26 years, SD = 10.47; 92.1% female) working in youth mental health services. The participants completed an online protocol to evaluate the different dimensions included in the study.

The results showed that most participants demonstrated moderate to high acceptability of blended psychological interventions for emotional disorders in youth and intend to use them in the future. Regression analysis showed that performance expectancy and positive attitudes toward evidence-based practices were significant predictors of acceptance of blended interventions and that social influence was a significant predictor of both acceptance of and intention to use blended interventions.

These results emphasize the importance of sharing the findings of blended interventions, changing professionals’ attitudes toward evidencebased practices, and collaborating more closely with organizations and institutions to advance standards that encourage the adoption of this intervention format.


Acceptance; Attitudes and expectancies; Blended interventions; Intention to use; Psychologists; Youth emotional disorders.

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