Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Original Article

Exploring protective factors in a high-risk subsample: the pivotal role of paternal support in preventing depression in a cohort of young adults

Barbara Tietbohl-Santos, Bruno Braga Montezano, Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso, Thaíse Campos Mondin, Fernanda Pedrotti Moreira, Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza, Ricardo Azevedo da Silva, Flavio Kapczinski, Karen Jansen, Ives Cavalcante Passos

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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a global concern due to its widespread prevalence and morbidity. Identifying protective factors in high-risk individuals, including those with a familial predisposition, maltreatment history, and socio-economic vulnerabilities, is crucial. 

We assessed a high-risk subsample within a young adult population cohort (n = 791; mean age = 31.94 [SD = 2.18]) across three waves. Using multiple regression models to analyse higher education, feeling supported, spirituality, psychotherapy access, higher socioeconomic status, involvement in activities, cohabitation, and family unity in Waves 1 and 2, and their association with MDD resilience at Wave 3 

In the high-risk group, MDD incidence was 13.7% (n=24). Paternal support had a protective effect on MDD incidence (OR = 0.366; 95% CI [0.137 to 0.955], p = 0.040) and suicidal attempt risk (OR = 0.380; 95% CI [0.150 to 0.956], p = 0.038). Higher resilience scores were also protective (OR = 0.975; 95% CI [0.953 to 0.997], p = 0.030), correlating with reduced BDI (r = 0.0484; B = -0.2202; 95% CI [-0.3572 to -0.0738]; p = 0.003) and MADRS scores (r = 0.0485; B = -0.2204; 95% CI [-0.3574 to -0.0741]; p = 0.003).

Our paper emphasizes reorienting the MDD approach, focusing on positive prevention strategies. It highlights fathers' crucial role in family-based interventions and promoting resilience in high-risk populations.


Protective factors, major depressive disorder, at-risk population, cohort, social support, paternal support, resilience

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