Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Original Article

Evaluation of Criminal Responsibility in a Patient with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Intellectual Disability

Alexandre Martins Valença, Fabiana Estrela Silveira Bethlem, Gustavo Carvalho de Oliveira, Antonio Geraldo da Silva, Lisieux Elaine de Borba Telles, Antonio Egidio Nardi

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The current study presents the case of a young man with intellectual disability related to fetal alcohol syndrome, referred for forensic psychiatric examination of criminal liability following charges of armed robbery, and who was considered not criminally liable. In such cases, it is crucial to perform early diagnosis and rely on educational and developmental services and a supportive home environment to decrease complications such as substance use and criminal involvement.


Intellectual disability; crime; robbery; fetal alcohol syndrome; criminal  responsibility  

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