Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Review Article

From Hippocrates to the Ages of Technology: A Narrative Review of the Evolution of the doctor-patient Relationship

Isabela Azeredo Melca, Rachel Moraes Ferreira, Antonio Egídio Nardi, Anna Lucia Spear King

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Thus, through a narrative review, this article analyzes how the advancement of technology, the use of digital resources, and social media have impacted the doctor-patient relationship.

We conducted a scoping review on the relationship between Digital Health Equity and Telemedicine and e-health via Scopus and Pubmed electronic databases. The following inclusion criteria were established: papers on the relationship between digital health equity and telemedicine and e-health, written in English and with no time limits. All study designs were eligible, including those that have utilized qualitative and quantitative methods, methodology, or guidelines reports, except for meta-reviews.

With the advancement of technology and social media, a change in behavior in the population and the doctor-patient relationship was observed. Through the help of digital devices, the increased prevalence of social networks, and asynchronous consultations new opportunities were created to bring doctors and patients closer. The relationship has shifted from face-to-face and paternalistic to virtual communication with shared decisions in recent decades. It was observed that the advancement of technology and the use of digital resources have reshaped the roles of doctors and patients and their relationships.

Technology is the leading cause for an informed, more involved, and responsible patient. However, physicians have conflicting opinions about the use of these technologies. While recognizing its benefits for patients, they are also concerned about digital health and its impact.

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