Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Volume 43, Issue 3, 2021
43(3), 2021
Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 156-166, 2021 Problematic consumption of online pornography during the COVID-19 pandemic: clinical recommendations
Nino Cesar Marchi, Letícia Fara, Luana Gross, Felipe Ornell, Alessandra Diehl, Felix Henrique Paim Kessler
Review Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 167-176, 2021 Neuroprogression in post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review
Thyago Antonelli-Salgado, Luis Francisco Ramos-Lima, Cristiane dos Santos Machado, Ryan Michael Cassidy, Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso, Flávio Kapczinski, Ives Cavalcante Passos
Original Article
Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 185-192, 2021 Depressive symptoms in older adults: the role of physical activity and social support
Carlos Alberto Moreno Moya, Fernanda Cunha Soares, Rodrigo Antunes Lima, Mauro Virgílio Gomes de Barros, Jorge Bezerra Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 200-206, 2021 Detect-S: an mHealth application to assist health professionals to identify suicide risk in hospitalized patients
Ezequiel Teixeira Andreotti, Jaqueline Ramires Ipuchima, Marcos Vinicius Ludwig Pivetta, Angel Gabriel Arieta, Silvio César Cazella, Juliana Silva Herbert, Nicolas de Oliveira Cardoso, Wagner de Lara Machado, Ygor Arzeno Ferrão Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 207-216, 2021 Psychiatric symptoms, burnout and associated factors in psychiatry residents
Gabriela Massaro Carneiro Monteiro, Grasiela Marcon, Glen Owens Gabbard, Fernanda Lucia Capitanio Baeza, Simone Hauck Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 225-234, 2021 Relationship between childhood trauma, parental bonding, and defensive styles and psychiatric symptoms in adult life
Vitória Waikamp, Fernanda Barcellos Serralta, Luis Francisco Ramos-Lima, Cleonice ZattiLucia, Helena Machado Freitas
Brief Communication Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.43 n3, 235-239, 2021 Disability in children and adolescents: the extent of the impact on psychiatric disorders and educational deficits
Livia Zaqueu, Maria Crista Triguero Veloz Teixeira, Rosane Lowenthal, Jair J. Mari, Eurípedes Constantino Miguel, Luís Augusto Rohde, Cristiane Silvestre Paula
Letter to the Editors
Trends Psychiatry Psychother