Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Volume 37, Issue 1, 2015
37(1), 2015
Editorial Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.37 n1, 1-2, 2015 In memory of Dr. José Geraldo Vernet Taborda (1951-2014)
Juliana Fernandes Tramontina; Helena Dias de Castro Bins
Review Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.37 n1, 12-19, 2015 Resilience of caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review of biological and psychosocial determinants
Rachel Dias; Raquel Luiza Santos; Maria Fernanda Barroso de Sousa; Marcela Moreira Lima Nogueira; Bianca Torres; Tatiana Belfort; Marcia Cristina Nascimento Dourado Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.37 n1, 20-26, 2015 Phenomenological aspects of the cognitive rumination construct
Leonardo Fernandez Meyer; José Geraldo Vernet Taborda; Fábio Antônio da Costa; Ana Luiza Alfaya Galego Soares; Kátia Mecler; Alexandre Martins Valença
Original Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.37 n1, 37-41, 2015 Cross-cultural adaptation of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale in Malaysia
Atefeh Ahmadi; Mohamed Sharif Mustaffa; AliAkbar Haghdoost; Aqeel Khan; Adibah Abdul Latif
Case Report Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.37 n1, 47-50, 2015 Managing severe behavioral symptoms of a patient with anti-NMDAR encephalitis: case report and findings in current literature
Vanina Lima Monteiro; Felipe José Nascimento Barreto; Paulo Marcos Brasil Rocha; Paulo Henrique Teixeira do Prado; Frederico Duarte Garcia; Humberto Correa; Maila Castro Lourenço das Neves
Trends Psychiatry Psychother