Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Volume 38, Issue 3, 2016
38(3), 2016
Review Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 119-127, 2016 The role of memory in posttraumatic stress disorder: implications for clinical practice
Marcelo Montagner Rigoli; Gustavo Ramos Silva; Fernando Rainho de Oliveira; Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher; Christian Haag Kristensen Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 128-135, 2016 Neuropsychological and behavioral assessment of impulsivity in adolescents: a systematic review
Alice Rodrigues Willhelm; Paula Madeira Fortes; Fernanda Rasch Czermainski; Aline Schwalm Andrade Rates; Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 136-140, 2016 Special features of high-risk pregnancies as factors in development of mental distress: a review
Paula Borba Rodrigues; Carla Fonseca Zambaldi; Amaury Cantilino; Everton Botelho Sougey
Original Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 156-163, 2016 Using the Portuguese version of the Bicultural Scale in Brazil
Carlos Zubaran; Katia Foresti; Karina Nunes Persch Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 164-174, 2016 Development of the Brazilian version of the Child Hayling Test
Larissa de Souza Siqueira; Hosana Alves Gonçalves; Lilian Cristine Hübner; Rochele Paz Fonseca
Brief Communication Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 175-177, 2016 Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the prefrontal cortex combined with cognitive training for treating schizophrenia: a sham-controlled randomized clinical trial
Pedro Shiozawa; July Silveira Gomes; Daniella Valverde Ducos; Henrique Teruo Akiba; Álvaro Machado Dias; Alisson Paulino Trevizol; Ricardo R. Uchida; Natasza Orlov; Quirino Cordeiro
Case Report
Letter to the Editor Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.38 n3, 183-184, 2016 Sleep quality and suicidal behavior in euthymic bipolar patients
Paulo Marcos Brasil Rocha; Fernando Silva Neves; Humberto Corrêa
Trends Psychiatry Psychother