Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy


Volume 39, Issue 3, 2017

39(3), 2017

Original Article
Narratives of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders: focus on eating behavior Cristiane P. Lázaro; Milena P. Pondé
Trait vs. state anxiety in different threatening situations Pollyana Caldeira Leal; Tiago Costa Goes; Luiz Carlos Ferreira da Silva; Flavia Teixeira-Silva
Trends in the prescription of clozapine in a psychiatric hospital: a 5-year observational study Gabriela Danielski Niehues; Alexandre Balestieri Balan; Vinicius Brum Prá; Raphaela Santos Pellizzaro; Paulo Roberto Antunes da Silva; Manuela Danielski Niehues; Ana Paula Costa; Marcelo Liborio Schwarzbold; Alexandre Paim Diaz
Psychotropic prescriptions for the treatment of schizophrenia in an outpatient clinic Christopher Izehinosen Okpataku; David Tawani
The Five Digits Test in the assessment of older adults with low formal education: construct validity and reliability in a Brazilian clinical sample Jonas Jardim de Paula; Thaís Dell’Oro Oliveira; Emanuel Henrique Gonçalves Querino; Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz
Brazilian norms and effects of age and education on the Hayling and Trail Making Tests Nicolle Zimmermann; Caroline de Oliveira Cardoso; Christian Haag Kristensen; Rochele Paz Fonseca

Brief Communication
Cell therapy in the treatment of bipolar mania in an animal model: a proof of concept study Bruna M. Ascoli; Rafael Colombo; Luiza P. Géa; Paula B. Terraciano; Sabrina B. Pizzato; Fernanda S. de Oliveira; Elizabeth Cirne-Lima; Flávio Kapczinski; Adriane R. Rosa
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) for the Brazilian context Viviane Vedovato Silva-Rocha; Flávia de Lima Osório

Review Article
Mindfulness in mood and anxiety disorders: a review of the literature Michele F. Rodrigues; Antonio E. Nardi; Michelle Levitan
Assessment of inhibitory control in crack and/or cocaine users: a systematic review Fernanda Rasch Czermainski; Alice Rodrigues Willhelm; Álvaro Zaneti Santos; Mayra Pacheco Pachado; Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida

Computerized cognitive training in children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as add-on treatment to stimulants: feasibility study and protocol description Virginia de Oliveira Rosa; Marcelo Schmitz; Carlos Renato Moreira-Maia; Flavia Wagner; Igor Londero; Caroline de Fraga Bassotto; Guilherme Moritz; Caroline dos Santos de Souza; Luis Augusto Paim Rohde

Trends Psychiatry Psychother

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