Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy


Volume 46, 2024

46, 2024

Love, compassion, and attachment in psychiatric care: perspectives for research and clinical practice Rodolfo Furlan Damiano, Gregory Fricchione, Euripedes Constantino Miguel
Problematic trading: gambling-like behavior in day trading and cryptocurrency investing Thiago Henrique Roza, Hermano Tavares, Felix Henrique Paim Kessler, Ives Cavalcante Passos
Staying grounded in turbulent times: the power of mindfulness for maintaining mental well-being during COVID-19 Kyara Rodrigues de Aguiar, Marília Silva de Souza

Review Article
Human social isolation and stress: a systematic review of different contexts and recommendations for future studies André Comiran Tonon, Ana Carolina O. V. de Abreu, Mariana Mendonça da Silva, Patrice de Souza Tavares, Fernanda Nishino, Paula Versignassi, Guilherme Rodriguez Amando, Débora Barroggi Constantino, Luísa Klaus Pilz, Eduardo Steibel, Deborah Suchecki, Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral, Maria Paz Hidalgo
Quality of life in Brazilian medical students: a systematic review and meta-analysis Carolina Kakiuthi Martins, Jonas Carneiro Cruz, Renata Dellalibera-Joviliano
Psychological resilience and mood disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis Areeba Imran, Suleman Tariq, Flavio Kapczinski, Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso
Brazilian Psychiatric Association Consensus for the Management of Acute Intoxication: general management and specific interventions for drugs of abuse Leonardo Baldaçara, Amanda de Gouvêa Pettersen, Verônica da Silveira Leite, Flávia Ismael, Carolina Pereira Motta, Railson Alves Freitas, Nicoli Abrazo Fasanella, Lucas Alves Pereira, Maria Elisa Lima Barros, Leonardo Barbosa, Ana Luiza Silva Teles, Ruy Palhano, Helio Penna Guimaraes, Maria Aparecida Braga, João Mauricio Castaldelli-Maia, Carla Bicca, Analice Gligliotti, Ana Cecilia Petta Roseli Marques, Antônio Geraldo da Silva
Mindfulness-based intervention and sexuality: a systematic review Amaia Miren Ciaurriz Larraz, Alejandro Villena Moya, Carlos Chiclana Actis
The impact of inflammatory and metabolic markers on depression, anxiety, and cognition after COVID-19: a narrative review Elton Jorge Bessa Diniz, Fulvio Alexandre Scorza,Fabrício Maués Santos Rodrigues, Claudia Berlim de Mello, Tatiana Carvalho de Souza Bonetti, Karina Ramalho Bortoluci, Jair de Jesus Mari

Original Article
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of cannabidiol-rich cannabis extract in children with autism spectrum disorder: randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial Estácio Amaro da Silva Junior, Wandersonia Moreira Brito Medeiros, João Paulo Mendes dos Santos, João Marçal Medeiros de Sousa, Filipe Barbosa da Costa, Katiúscia Moreira Pontes, Thaís Cavalcanti Borges, Carlos Espínola Neto Segundo, Ana Hermínia Andrade e Silva, Eliane Lima Guerra Nunes, Nelson Torro, Marine Diniz da Rosa, Katy Lísias Gondim Dias de Albuquerque
Assessment of sociodemographic and psychological well-being of primary school teachers Chinedu Ifedi Okeke, Moses Onyemaechi Ede, Fidelis Eze Amaeze
Validation of the Brazilian version of the Short Inventory of Grazing (SIG) Carlos Eduardo Ferreira Moraes, Andreea Heriseanu, Carla Mourilhe, Ana Luisa Kremer Faller, Phillipa Hay, Jose Carlos Appolinario
Tobacco cessation in patients with multiple chronic conditions: nutritional strategies as an additional tool in treatment Marcela Melquíades de Melo, Arthur da Silva Gomes, Thayzis de Paula Silva, Arise Garcia de Siqueira Galil, André Netto Bastos, Aline Silva de Aguiar
Mental health of Brazilian students during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of gratitude, optimism, and hope in reducing anxiety Joice Franciele Friedrich Almansa, Tatiane Trivilin, Claudio Simon Hutz, Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida, Ana Claudia Souza Vazquez, Clarissa Pinto Pizarro de Freitas
Mental health, functioning, and quality of life in employees who worked in the office vs. from home during the first wave of COVID-19 in Brazil Silvia Dubou Serafim, Jéferson Ferraz Goularte, Giovana Dalpiaz, Marco Antonio Caldieraro, Adriane Ribeiro Rosa
Adaptation and latent structure of the Brazilian version of the Ego Dissolution Inventory (EDI-BR): an exploratory study Bheatrix Bienemann, Marcio S. C. Longo, Mariana Ridolfi, Marco Multedo, Lucas V. M. Cruz, Eduardo Schenberg, Luis Fernando Tófoli, Daniel C. Mograbi
Brazilian adaptation of the McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder David Sosa Dias, Jean Carlos Natividade
Correlations between childhood maltreatment, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and risk behaviors in adolescent schoolchildren Daniela Ladeira Reis, Mônica Gonçalves Ribeiro, Isabela Couto, Nina Maia, Dagoberto Bonavides, Ana Cristina Botelho, Claudia Luisa Sena, Curt Hemanny, Irismar Reis de Oliveira
Psychometric properties of the 9-item Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI-9) in an Iranian sample Narges Barzgar, Hamid Poursharifi, Fereshte Momeni, Samaneh Hosseinzadeh
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure for the Brazilian context Gessyka Wanglon Veleda, Giulia Rodrigues Seoane, Gabriely Ribeiro Ezequiel, Caroline Machado Ferreira, Vera Lúcia Marques de Figueiredo, Tharso de Souza Meyer, Jaciana Marlova Gonçalves Araújo, Luciana Rizo, Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso, Kyara Rodrigues de Aguiar, Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza
Decrease in alcohol use disorder hospitalizations in Brazil: what does it mean? Renato Luís Pessôa, Alexandre Kieslich da Silva, Luiza Silveira Lucas
Mood or energy/activity symptoms in bipolar mania: which are the most informative? Elie Cheniaux, Luis Anunciação, J. Landeira-Fernandez, Antonio Egidio Nardi
Analysis of the impact of the Brazilian Suicide Prevention Campaign "Yellow September": an ecological study Walter Gabriel Neves Cruz, Thiago Aguiar Jesuino, Hercules Fernandes Moreno, Lara Garrido Santos, Amanda Galvão de Almeida
Relationship between psychodynamic functioning, defensive mechanisms, and trauma in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Taís Cristina Favaretto, Luciane Maria Both, Silvia Pereira da Cruz Benetti, Lúcia Helena Machado Freitas
Intimate partner violence and women's mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil Angelica Cerveira de Baumont, Géssica Sá Oliveira, Juliana Bastos de Figueiredo, Júlia Foschiera dos Santos, Bruna Pasqualini Genro, Luísa Fernanda Habigzang, Gisele Gus Manfro
Relationship between psychopathology and binge size in binge eating spectrum disorders Carla Mourilhe Silva, Gloria Valeria da Veiga, Carlos Eduardo de Moraes, Ronir Raggio Luiz, Phillipa Hay, Jose Carlos Appolinario
Validation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) and its association with functional impairment in Brazilian gamers Daniel Tornaim Spritzer, Wagner de Lara Machado, Marina Balem Yates, Orsolya Király, Zsolt Demetrovics, Joël Billieux, Daniel L. King, Katarzyna Kaliszewska-Czeremska, Stéphanie Laconi, Ives Cavalcante Passos, Simone Hauck
Stigmatizing attitudes towards mental illness among university students: a comparative study with the general population Beatriz Atienza-Carbonell, Vicent Balanzá-Martínez, Alberto Bermejo-Franco, Laura Carrascosa-Iranzo
Incidence of suicidal ideation in a cohort of civil servants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: insights from the ELSA-Brasil Study Pedro Bacchi, Paulo Suen, Daniel Fatori, Lais B. Razza, Leonardo Afonso, Izio Klein, Beatriz Cavendish, Marina L. Moreno, Itamar S. Santos, Isabela Benseñor, Paulo Lotufo, André R. Brunoni
Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is downregulated in peripheral blood from patients with major psychiatric disorders Giovana Bristot, Jacson Gabriel Feiten, Bianca Pfaffenseller, Gabriel Henrique Hizo, Gabriela Maria Pereira Possebon, Fernanda Endler Valiati, Jairo Vinícius Pinto, Marco Antonio Caldieraro, Marcelo Pio de Almeida Fleck, Clarissa Severino Gama, Márcia Kauer-Sant’Anna
Prosocial behavior in children involved in peer violence Marília Mendes Moreira de Sousa, Anderson Ribeiro da Silva, Marília Mariano, Rosângela Espolaor, Raquel Fernandes Shimizu, Jair J. Mari, Zila M. Sanchez, Sheila C. Caetano

Brief Communication
Higher IL-6 and IL-4 plasma levels in depressed elderly women are influenced by diabetes mellitus Natália S. Dias, Antônio L. Teixeira, Breno S. Diniz, Erica L. Vieira,6 Bernardo de M. Viana, Izabela G. Barbosa
Self-reported social media use by adolescents in Brazil: a school-based survey Rivka B. Pereira, Thais C. Martini, Claudia Buchweitz, Renata R. Kieling, Helen L. Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, Valeria Mondelli, Christian Kieling

Letter to the Editors
Eco-anxiety: a new disease or a “new normal”? Enrique Falceto de Barros, Olga Garcia Falceto, Rafaela Brugalli Zandavalli, Diogo Onofre Souza
Shifting focus: the need for early intervention and safer alternatives in autism spectrum disorder treatment Muhammad Hunain Raza, Muhammad Eeman Bhutta, Muhammad Hammad Siddique

Trends Psychiatry Psychother

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